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Mount Ebel United Holy Church

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Early in the year 1950, a few persons headed by the late Pastor William Hunte started a series of open-air evangelistic services in Sargeant Street, St. John.  After a few services, the group invited then Elder (later Bishop) H.T. Gentles to be with them.  The group continued in the open air for some time.  Many souls were saved.  Bishop Gentles later organized the group into a church.


The congregation first met in the home of Sister Violet Sargeant.  Afterwards, a house was rented and used as a meeting place for this young church.  Two years later, Bishop Gentles gave the congregation an unfinished building.  Pastor Hunte made personal sacrifices to improve the structure to bring it to a stage that was appropriate for worship.  Over the years, the church at Mount Ebel served as a beacon in its neighborhood.  In the early 1980s, Pastor Hunte was again able to refurbish and extend the building.

Following the death of Pastor Hunte in 1984, Deacon Hope administered the church with the assistance of Elder Donald Padmore, their District Elder.


The Barbados District agreed that it was desirable to have a new and improved building erected. Much voluntary work went into the construction which was co-ordinated by Bishop St. Clair Howell.   Heading the list of volunteers was Evangelist Cameron White who had been asked to assist with the pastorship pending the appointment of a pastor.  Members of other churches within the Barbados District ably supported him. The refurbishing was started in 1990 and the new building was dedicated on May 31, 1992.


Over the years, Pastor Cameron White and members have maintained an outreach programme aimed at showing the lost and dissident youth that there is a better way.  His wife, Minister Delores White, has been a tower of strength and support in the church’s endeavours.  Their programmes included visits to shut-ins, institutions and homes in the neighbourhood.


Mount Ebel continues to minister to the social, spiritual, emotional, physical and financial needs of its members and the wider community.

The Leadership


Elder Cameron White &
First Lady Minister Delores White

Converted at age 17 Cameron White had his early affiliation with the Pentecostal  Assemblies of the West Indies (PAWI) before joining the United Holy Church of America. He served as an Evangelist before taking on the responsibilities as Pastor of the Mount Ebel Church. With a passion for souls, Elder White has over the years, been intentional in directing a focus in his ministry on open-air services and personal evangelism endeavours.  His knowledge of the Word of God has been honed through a combination of personal study, attendance at seminars and reading authors on Bible related texts.


A building contractor by profession, Elder White and his wife, Minister Delores White are the parents of three daughters: Anealia, Anesha and Aneka. The Whites have two grandchildren – Dominique and Malachi whom he adores. Elder White’s earnest desire is to proclaim a perfect Salvation, brought by a perfect Saviour to a lost world.


Elder White’s guiding principle is Philippians 3:12-14, "Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me. Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus."

Service Times

Sunday School

9:00 a.m.


Sunday Morning Worship

10:00 a.m.


Prayer & Bible Study 

7:30 p.m. every Wednesday







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